Native Hope: This organization addresses injustice done to Native Americans through stories & educational resources, has a podcast, blog, and a resource library with ebooks. One feature, “Building a Hopeful Future,” talks about the ways the next generation is bringing hope to native people through storytelling. (Website)
First Nations: This organization focuses on strengthening Native American culture and investing in native youth. The website also has a knowledge center with educational cultural information ranging from reclaiming native truths to native recipes & books. (Website)
Healthy Native Youth: This resource has a bunch of educational programming for native youth, including a section called Tools for Caring Adults that encourages open and honest conversation about difficult topics. Text “EMPOWER” to 94449 to receive weekly messages about sexual health education. The Mind4Health section provides tips about how to talk to native youth about mental health, and you can even join a text messaging program (text “Mind4Health to 65664”) about how to be caring/supportive to native youth. (Website)